It occurred to me the other day that, though I no longer play with Lego very much, food now plays a very similar role in my life. I've hopefully demonstrated by now that I really like to play with food, and that it affords a similar sort of creativity: using existing recipes, improvising, and trying to replicate stuff I've seen in the world.
One aspect of this that I find particularly fun is the dinner party. Some of my favorite experiences over the past several years have involved elaborate, fascinating meals with friends at exceptional restaurants. I will save specific details for other posts, but the key point here is that these meals are something I very much enjoy trying to replicate.
That said, I will never be able to replicate any of these meals. I don't have the skills, staff of sous chefs, fancy equipment, or access to extreme ingredients. In the same way, though, I could never really replicate stuff in the real world with Lego. But I could come up with my own approximation that had some similar properties. That was fun in and of itself.
That's exactly what I try to do with dinner parties. I like my dinner parties to be elaborate enough to replicate what I consider to be key elements of my favorite meals: lots of courses (which gives a meal a certain sense of decadence and means you'll spend a long time together), interesting ingredients (stuff you don't eat every day makes a meal special, even if the ingredient is not expensive or rare), and creative technique (ditto the previous explanation).
I hosted one of these parties the other night (actually hosted it at a friend's place, who has a much cooler and larger apartment than I do). It was rather ambitious for a mostly solo effort, but it was lots of fun. Here is a rundown of the menu, with thanks to my friend Mike for taking photos all evening.
Pie is a crumbled pie crust (graham cracker, butter, sugar, cinnamon) plus a dehydrated key lime curd (based on a recipe from Achatz's Alinea cookbook; butter, eggs, sugar, key lime juice, agar gelled in the fridge and then dehydrated on acetate sheets for 15 hours).
Chocolate soda powder was cocoa powder, sugar, citric acid, baking soda, and maltodextrin. The acid and baking soda make it fizz. The maltodextrin tames it a bit. The acid also makes it sour, unfortunately. I don't think people liked this a lot.
The coulis was fairly straightforward. The mango powder was purchased.