Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tomato Curry with Spinach and Coconut

Oops, I did it again. I've gone another long time without a blog post. Sorry about that. This time I feel like I have a decent excuse: I've relocated to Chicago to start a new job. The past few weeks have been full of packing and unpacking, loading and unloading, driving and driving, setting up home and office, learning how to commute again, and lots of other fun relocation-related stuff.

The good news for you, dear readers, is that I'm pretty excited about my new kitchen. For the first time in about four years I'm living in one place, and actually have space for my various appliances and cooking gear. I also have a gas stove and an oven big enough to hold a half-sheet pan. It's a kitchen I like spending time in, so hopefully I'll have lots to write about.

In that vein, I describe here one of the first things I cooked in my new place: a tomato and coconut curry with spinach. Why this? Several reasons.

First, I was home visiting family last week and went to Detroit's wonderful Eastern Market. Among other things, I picked up a quart of fresh, local tomatoes without having any real idea of what to do with them. Second, I'm working my way through Pushpesh Pant's wonderfully comprehensive, if often cryptic, India: The Cookbook. Name a vegetable (including banana flower stems!) and he's got a few recipes for you, so this was a natural place to look. Third, Chicago has a fabulous Little India on Devon St., so it was easy to find some fresh curry leaves, coconut powder and spices.

To make the curry, I boiled a pound or so of diced tomatoes in water with a sliced onion, a couple minced chilies, 5 or 6 curry leaves, and about 1/4 pound of sliced spinach. After a few minutes, this was thickened with 1/2 cup of coconut powder (Note: in an example of Pant's crypticness, he says only "half coconut, dried, finely grated;" some Googling suggested that 1/2 cup was the right amount), some turmeric and a teaspoon or so of coarse salt.

Meanwhile, I sauted another sliced onion in hot oil with some mustard seeds (1 tsp) and a few dried chillies. When the onions were golden brown, this was added to the boiled mixture and stirred together. This was then simmered for a while to evaporate some of the liquid and meld the flavors.

I served the result over rice and reheated it for several days. A delicious and unusual mix of flavors. Stay tuned for more curries and hopefully more regular posts!

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